Brazilian environmental legislation is one of the most demanding and restrictive in the world. Its rules require uninterrupted investments by the productive sector. The standards of waste management, air emissions, wastewater emissions and noise must be rigorously observed,as well as the other obligations.
With regard to rural properties, a national wide obligation of registration was created in 2012. Is is named as Rural Environmental Registry (CAR).
Environmental Regularization is a necessary measure to avoid fines, obtain financing and meet the social and environmental function of property. There are deadlines for the fulfillment of obligations, after which sanctions may be imposed on the administrative, civil and criminal.
There are innovatory environmental solutions for all activities carried out by individuals or legal entities, of private or public nature. The adoption of such solutions may provide full regularity of the activities, as well as access to tax, economic and corporate benefits. The adoption of innovative solutions may be facilitated by the trade of environmental assets.
The adoption of environmental solutions does not require the existence of environmental liabilities. Some examples: