Yuri Rugai Marinho

Academic Degree: Law School Largo de São Francisco. University of São Paulo – USP (Law Degree in 2008 and Masters in Environmental Law in 2014).

Experience with Environmental Law, in the consultancy, litigation and due diligence areas. Consultant of Waterloo Global Science Initiative (Canada) and Kinship Conservation Fellowship Program (United States). Awarded in the Dow Sustainability Innovation Student Challenge Award (SISCA) in 2014.

Consultant of the Institute “O Direito por um Planeta Verde” and Waterloo Global Science Initiative.

Awards: Dow Sustainability Innovation Student Challenge Award (SISCA) in 2014. Academic Works: A preservação como negócio. Radar Solos, 2ª edição, 2021; O hectare de floresta e o mercado financeiro no século XXI. In Resenha B3, 2017; A concessão de incentivos ambientais como forma de reduzir desastres e fomentar boas práticas. In Revista JusBrasil, 2017; Red tape: the less the bether. In inBRAZIL, 2017; Environmental Declaration-based proceedings: a need of modern society. In inBRAZIL, 2016; Detangling the system: the need for modernization of environmental information in Brazil. In inBRAZIL, 2016; Environmental Rural Registry: Brazil as an example for the world. In inBRAZIL, 2016; Environmental incentives. In inBRAZIL, 2016; Environmental licensing in Brazil: the need for modernisation. In inBRAZIL, 2016; The Mariana environmental disaster: a call for humanity. In inBRAZIL, 2016; Motivos para se levar a sério o planejamento ambiental. In Revista JusBrasil, 2015; Brasil prepara discurso sobre clima e se alinha com EUA. In Revista JusBrasil, 2015; Todos podemos contribuir com o meio ambiente. In Revista JusBrasil, 2015; A comercialização de Cota de Reserva Ambiental como solução prática para a regularização de Reserva Legal no Brasil. In: XIII Congresso Mundial de Direito Agrário, 2014, Ribeirão Preto. Anais do XIII Congresso Mundial de Direito Agrário. Ribeirão Preto: Altai, 2013. p. 741-755; Uma reflexão quanto aos instrumentos de incentivo da Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos.In Revista JusBrasil, 2014; Brasil necessita de soluções ambientais inteligentes. In Revista JusBrasil, 2014; Incentivos positivos para a proteção do meio ambiente. Dissertação (Mestrado). Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de São Paulo. São Paulo, 2014; Estímulos à minimização de mudanças climáticas. In Scientific American Brasil, 2013; O impacto das boas práticas ambientais na economia nacional. In Revista Visão Jurídica, 2013; A Brazilian Legal Perspective on Climate Change and Waste. In International Solid Waste Association, World Solid Waste Congress, 2012; Encarando a Logística Reversa. In Revista Capital Aberto, 2012; Direito Ambiental: incentivar para melhorar. In Observatório Eco, 2012; Brasil quer ser líder. In Jornal Brasil Econômico, ed. 17.11.2011, p. 10; A Lei de Crimes Ambientais frente à evolução do Direito Ambiental: sanções versus incentivos. In Sustentabilidade Ambiental no Brasil: biodiversidade, economia e bem-estar humano. Livro 7, Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada – IPEA. Brasília, 2010; Adicionalidade em projetos de MDL. In Revista Digital Instituto O Direito por um Planeta Verde, 2010; O tratamento jurídico internacional do desmatamento: propostas para uma Convenção Internacional para o Combate ao Desmatamento. In Revista de Direito Ambiental, n. 60. São Paulo: RT, 2010; Créditos de Carbono: incentivo no Direito Internacional Ambiental. In Revista Digital Jus Navigandi, 2010; A Convenção sobre Diversidade Biológica: repartindo benefícios e protegendo recursos. In Revista de Direito Ambiental, n. 51. São Paulo: RT, 2008; Mecanismo de Desenvolvimento Limpo e Considerações sobre o Mercado de Carbono. In Revista de Direito Ambiental, n. 43. São Paulo: RT, 2006.
Maria Cecilia F. Ferronato

Academic degree: Biological Sciences Degree at Universidade Estadual de Londrina (2011). Master’s degree in Biodiversity and Conservation of Fragmented Habitats at Universidade Estadual de Londrina (2014).

Experience of 7 years with environmental consulting services. Expertise in managing ECCON’s Green Assets Platform (ECCON’s BAV) and in negotiating environmental transactions involving forest areas. Consolidated experience in regularization of rural properties before relevant public agencies (INCRA, IBAMA, notaries, environmental agencies, etc.) and in vegetation characterization reports and in managing intervention requests regarding vegetated areas. Previous experience in technical reports concerning environmental aspects for rural and urban companies and in environmental studies related to environmental licensing.

Fernando Montanari

Academic Degree: Expansion Manager at ECCON, he graduated in Environmental Engineering from the University of Vale do Itajaí and the University of Algarve (Portugal) in 2009, has a specialization in Geoprocessing and Georeferencing of Properties from the Regional University of Blumenau in 2011.

He has a Master's degree in Urban and Industrial Environment from the Federal University of Paraná and Universität Stuttgart (Germany) in 2015.

He has over fifteen years of experience as a corporate and technical consultant in sustainability, providing innovative and strategic sustainable solutions.

Reviewer for the International Journal of Environment and Climate Change.

Julia Maillet R. Lenzi

Academic degree: Bachelor of Law, at Presbyterian University Mackenzie (Mackenzie), 2011.

Agribusiness MBA, at Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture, University of Sao Paulo (ESALQ/USP), 2016. Masters in Biodiversity and Environmental Conservation, Trinity College Dublin (TCD/IE), 2020.

Experience in Environmental Law, especially in consultancy, structuring socio-environmental projects, reviewing and auditing policies and implementing operations related to sustainability, environmental law, and compliance.

Awards: Análise Advocacia (Economic sector, 2021);
Análise Advocacia Mulher (Environmental Specialty, 2022). Publications: Adaptations to climate change: biodiversity and agribusiness - 2021;
The Legal Framework of July 22, 2008 from an environmental and agrarian perspective - 2021;
Legalization of Rhino´s horn as an alternative for preservation - 2020;
Regularization of access to genetic heritage before new biodiversity legislation - 2018;
What to expect after registration in the Rural Environmental Registry - 2017;
Green business: opportunities for concession services in protected areas - 2017;
Supervision and use of Brazilian biodiversity - 2016;
The new legal framework for biodiversity: concepts, changes and new opportunities - 2016;
Sustainability and disaster in Mariana, an analysis of the social, environmental and economic impacts of the tragedy - 2015.

Marcelo de Castro Chaves Stabile

Academic degree: Undergraduate degree in Agronomic Engineering from “Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz da Universidade de São Paulo” – ESALQ/USP (2002), Master of Science in Agriculture from Texas A&M University – TAMU, Texas, USA (2005), Doctor of Philosophy in Agriculture from the University of Sydney – USYD, NSW, Australia (2012).

Experience with sustainable agriculture and cattle ranching, mechanisms of payment for ecosystem services, team management, geoprocessing, public policies end conservation finance. Dr Stabile worked as a researcher, developed, fundraised, coordinated and executed projects linked to sustainable agriculture and cattle ranching, as well as developed the concept, studies and implemented a project to pay farmers for conservation in the Legal Amazon. He is an author and coauthor of various scientific publication in Brazil and abroad.

Recent and most relevant publications: Stabile MCC, Garcia AS, Salomão CSC, Bush G, Guimarães AL and Moutinho P (2022) Slowing Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon: Avoiding Legal Deforestation by Compensating Farmers and Ranchers. Front. For. Glob. Change 4:635638.doi: 10.3389/ffgc.2021.635638;
Pinto, P.; Braga, L.; Stabile, M.; Gomes, J. “Economic incentives for environmental regularization of farms in the amazon states”. Incentivos econômicos para a adequação ambiental dos imóveis rurais dos estados amazônicos. Instituto de Pesquisa Ambiental da Amazônia, 2021. ISBN nº 978-65-994327-2-9. Available from:;
Azevedo-Ramos, Claudia, Paulo Moutinho, Vera Laísa da S. Arruda, Marcelo C.C. Stabile, Ane Alencar, Isabel Castro, and João Paulo Ribeiro. 2020. “Lawless Land in No Man’s Land: The Undesignated Public Forests in the Brazilian Amazon.” Land Use Policy 99 (December): 104863;
Stabile, Marcelo C.C., André L. Guimarães, Daniel S. Silva, Vivian Ribeiro, Marcia N. Macedo, Michael T. Coe, Erika Pinto, Paulo Moutinho, and Ane Alencar. 2020. “Solving Brazil’s Land Use Puzzle: Increasing Production and Slowing Amazon Deforestation.” Land Use Policy 91 (February): 104362.

Raoni Rugai Marinho

Academic degree: Environmental Engineering Degree at Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo – USP (2010). Master's degree in Economics at Getulio Vargas Foundation (2015).

Experience in consulting services with an emphasis on renewable energies, ranging from regulation aspects related to the licensing and development of renewable energy generation projects, to the commercialization of assets, with emphasis on solar and wind sources.

Expertise in developing tailored solutions to achieve ESG goals including International Renewable Energy Certificate (I-REC).

Camilla do Amaral Olival

Academic degree: Environmental Engineering Degree at Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo – USP (2018).

Experience in environmental consulting services. Expertise in project consultancy involving the development of contaminated areas management phases in compliance with state and federal regulations. Consultancy in solid waste management project for urban areas. Performance in projects of technical consultancy for the application of the environmental legislation in protected areas, preparation of technical studies and reports, and environmental licensing process. Experience with geoprocessing services.

Academic Works: Capacity Expansion Study of the Santos Ocean Outfall - World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2018 – junho 2018.

Daniela Gennari P. de Toledo

Technical qualification: Master's degree in Zoology from the Institute of Biosciences of the University of São Paulo (2020). Bachelor in Biological Sciences from Centro Universitário São Camilo (2010).

More than 10 years of experience in environmental studies involving diagnosis, survey, monitoring, fauna rescue, and monitoring of run over fauna. Specialist in herpetology, she is part of the Jiboia do Ribeira Project, which uses environmental education for the conservation of this rare and threatened species. At ECCON, she works on the development of carbon projects, with a focus on biodiversity conservation.

Academic Works: A educação ambiental na conservação do boídeo mais raro do mundo, a Jiboia-do-Ribeira – Corallus cropanii (HOGE,1953). GENNARI, D. P. T.; Rocha, B. S. Herpetologia Brasileira, v. 9, p 26-36, 2020;
Body-bending behaviour in snakes: new records of a poorly documented defensive behaviour.França, D. P. F.; Oliveira, I. F.; GENNARI, D. P. T.; Silva, B. R.; Smith, P.; Scrocchi, G. J.; Machado-Filho, P. R.; Herpetologia Brasileira, v. 9, p. 56-61, 2020;
Diagnóstico e propostas para ampliar a representatividade de pesquisadoras em Herpetologia no Brasil. Friol, N. R.; Werneck, F. P.; Jeckel, a. M.; GENNARI, D. P. T; Targino, M.; Montesinos, R.; Nascimento, L. B.; Silvano, D. L; Franca, D. P. F; Pereira, J. A; Pinto, R. R; Costa-Rodrigues, A. P. V; Pereira, E. G; Mangia, S; Canedo, C.; Herpetologia Brasileira, v. 8, p. 36-43, 2019;
Erythrolamprus miliaris orinus (Snakes: Xenodontinae): Melanism. Menezes, F. A.; GENNARI, D. P. T.; Germano, V. J.; Herpetology Notes, v. 7, p.453-454, 2014;
Hylodes phyllodes (Amphibia, Anura, Hylodidae): nocturnal calling behavior.Alencar, L. R. V.; Gaiarsa, m. P.; GENNARI, d. P. T.; Martins, M.; Herpetologia Brasileira, v. 1, p. 82-83, 2012.

Anne Karoline de Oliveira

Academic degree: Master in course, in Physical Geography from the University of São Paulo - USP and Bacharel and Graduate in Biological Sciences from the University of Mogi das Cruzes - UMC (2017).

Experience in environmental consulting environmental territorial planning plans in coastal areas and interiors.

Acting as the central point of organization of the geographic database of State Coastal Management Plans and cartographic producer of private consultants. In addition to geoprocessing: with interdisciplinary teams, I participated in and conducted meetings with more than three hundred stakeholders, developed and executed planning stages, zoning, management programs and instructions for processes, and produced, developed and reviewed texts of legislative, technical, academic and informative expository. I elaborated and developed methodologies for basing restrictions/permissions for the use of Natural Resources, through geoprocessing tools.

Academic Works: SANTOS, P. M. ; BOCCHIGLIERI, A.C, PAGLIA, A.G; et al.; NEOTROPICAL XENARTHRANS: a data set of occurrence of xenarthran species in the Neotropics. ECOLOGY, v. 100, p. e02663, 2019.

Thaís Mazzafera Haddad

Education: Graduated in Biological Sciences from the State University of Londrina, UEL (2011), Master's in Biological Sciences from the State University of Londrina - UEL (2014), Doctorate in Sciences from the School of Agriculture Luiz de Queiroz “- ESALQ/USP and post-doctorate from the State University of Campinas –Unicamp (2021).

Acting in the diagnosis of environmental studies, survey and flora monitoring. Researcher and coordination assistant in Plant Ecology and Ecological Restoration projects in Atlantic Forest and Cerrado. Expertise in geoprocessing, statistical analysis and R programming.

Publications: Haddad, Thaís; Natashi, Pilon; Durigan, Giselda; Viani, Ricardo. Restoration of the Brazilian savanna after pine silviculture: pine clearcutting is effective but not enough. Forest Ecology and Management, v. 491, July, 2021, 119158;
Haddad, Thaís; Viani, Ricardo; Cava, Mário; Durigan, Giselda; Veldman, Joseph. Savannas after afforestation: Assessment of herbaceous community responses to wildfire versus native tree planting. Biotropica, v. 52, p. 1206-1216, 2020;
Haddad, Thaís; Hertel, Mariana F.; Bianchini, Edmilson; Pimenta, José A. Architecture of four tree species from different strata of a semideciduous forest in southern Brazil. Australian Journal of Botany, v. 64, p. 89, 2016.

Tatiana C. Leite de Aguiar

Academic Degree: Degree in Law. Postgraduate in Public Law, Tax Law, Homoaffective and Gender Law. Master and PhD in Law from PUC/SP.

Experience in ESG; Tax law; Diversity and Inclusion in corporate and institutional environments, offering training, workshops, as well as creating and implementing diversity compliance policies. Participation in licensing projects, being responsible for due diligences, contracts and other instruments. Teaching experience in several institutions, in undergraduate and lato sensu graduate courses in ESG, compliance, business and tax, and in the Professional Master's Degree.

Marina Monné de Oliveira

Academic degree: Bachelor of Law at Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de São Paulo – USP (2011). Post-graduation in Environmental Law and Strategic Sustainability Management at Pontifical Catholic University – PUC (2015). LL.M Environmental Law at Georgia State University, EUA (2016). Masters in Environmental Law at Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de São Paulo – USP (2020).

Experience in environmental consultancy, due diligence and judicial and administrative environmental litigation. Works in various sectors such as forestry, agribusiness, industrial, real estate, finance, energy and waste. Has previously worked at public entities, such as the Prosecutor´s Office of the State of São Paulo and the Federal Prosecutor´s Office, in the environmental area, as well as law firms specialized in environmental law and full service law firms.

Acknowledgments: Client Choice Award 2022: Environment (winner);
Who´s Who Legal 2022 and 2023: Global Leader Environment;
Análise Advocacia Mulher 2022 and 2023, in several categories.
Academic Works: Author of the book “Áreas Contaminadas – Responsabilidade e Incentivos para a remediação”. Rio de Janeiro: Lumen Juris, 2021;
Co-author of the book “Advocacia Ambiental – Desafios e Perspectivas”. Org. Paulo de Bessa Antunes e Alexandre Burmann. Londrina: Thoth, 2021;
Collaborator of the book “Resolução Consensual de Conflitos Ambientais”. Rio de Janeiro: Lumen Juris, 2016;
Author of the article: Queimadas em matas e palha de cana – os limites da legalidade. Estadão, 2021;
Author of the article: Lei de pagamento por serviços ambientais reforça economia mais verde. Lex Latin, 2021;
Author of the article: ESG e riscos nas atividades bancárias. Estadão, 2020;
Co-author of the article: The Tourism Industry and Plastic Waste Policies - Comparative Perspectives from the Portuguese Experience. Georgia State University Journal of Comparative Urban Law and Policy, 2023;
Co-author of the article: A responsabilidade Ambiental no contexto do M&A. Livro Fusões e Aquisições em Foco. Rio de Janeiro: Lumen Juris, 2022;
Co-author of the article: A Responsabilidade Ambiental e as Usinas Térmicas a Biogás: atenção redobrada?. FGV Energia - Caderno Opinião, 2022;
Co-author of the article: A visão dos reguladores sobre o gerenciamento de riscos ambientais. Capital Aberto, 2021;
Co-author of the article: A CPR Verde e a proteção ambiental. Valor Econômico, 2021.

Kássia Teles Paiva

Academic degree: Graduated in Administration from Universidade Nove de Julho (Uninove).

Experience in administrative services.

Antonio Edineuso Souza

Academic degree: Graduated in Administration of Human Resources and Accounting Sciences.

Experience with national companies in the areas of human resources and legal department.

Gustavo Carceles Fráguas

Academic degree: Graduated in Environmental Engineering, with MBA from University of São Paulo (in progress).

Experience in technical evaluation of industrial wastewater, environmental monitoring and hazardous waste management. Has also worked with contaminated sites management.

Mariana Sanches Saú

Academic degree: Bachelor’s Degree in Law (in progress) at Mackenzie Presbyterian University.

Experience in ​​civil litigation at a law firm and at the Attorney General's Office of the Municipality of São Paulo. Knowledge in the elaboration of procedural documents, research of legal scholars, jurisprudence, and production of scientific articles. Extracurriculars in the areas of Climate Change, Children’s Rights, and also takes part in Moot Courts related to Environmental Law and International Law.

Alexsandro Santana de Paiva

Degree: Graduated in High School – E.E Waldir Rodolpho de Castro (2006).

Experience in logistics services. Expertise in planning, execution in transport control and routing.

Procedures of Notaries, Forums, City Halls, Consulates, Unions and Banks.

Felicia França Pereira

Academic degree: Master's degree in progress in Natural Disasters from the São Paulo State University, Graduated in Cartographic Engineering and Surveying from the Amazonia Federal Rural University - (2019) and Technical in Roads from the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Pará State - (2016).

Experience in land use and land cover mapping, surveying, and processing of geospatial data and data obtained by UAV and LiDAR. It works in the areas of geoprocessing and remote sensing.

Laís Cândido Silva

Academic degree: Graduated in Forestry from the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro – UFRRJ (2018). Master's Degree in Environmental and Forestry Sciences in ​​Silviculture and Forest Management from the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (2021).

Experience in measurement and forest management, with emphasis on forest biomass. Expertise in technical consultancy for the application of environmental legislation, in the preparation of environmental studies and technical reports. Acting in consulting projects for the creation of a conservation unit. Activities in agroforestry systems.

Maria Luzia Santana Silva

Luzia has experience with home management, cleaning and administrative care. Enables work quality in the office and carefully manages our clients and staff.

Sofia Amaral Tori

Academic degree:  Bachelor of Science and Technology (2019); Environmental and Urban Engineer (2022), both at Federal University of ABC – UFABC.

Experience in consulting services in the area of ​​engineering, environment and sanitation. Performance in projects of technical consultancy for the application of the environmental legislation in protected areas, preparation of technical studies and reports, and environmental licensing process. Experience in hydrological studies and research related to hydro-climatology. Work with geoprocessing services. Experience in projects related to sewage treatment and collection, and water treatment and supply.

Juliana Robles Tasca

Academic degree: Bachelor’s Degree in law (in progress) at Mackenzie Presbyterian University.

Professional experience includes work in the areas of public, administrative, and corporate law at a law firm, as well as with a multinational agribusiness company. Has experience in contract drafting, jurisprudence and doctrine research, and legal case management.

Academic background includes a focus on Environmental Law, and she is currently one of the coordinators of an international and environmental law moot court group.

Danilo Henrique dos Santos Ataíde

Academic degree: Forestry Engineer (2016), Master (2019) and Doctor (2023) in Environmental and Forestry Sciences from the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro.

Experience in research on the dynamics of biomass, carbon and nitrogen in commercial plantations intercropped with tree legumes; geostatistical analysis applied to the measurement and management of commercial stands; and, spatial modeling applied to the management of commercial forest species in the Amazon. Works in silviculture, inventory and forest management areas.

Academic Works: Santos, F. M.; Balieiro, F.; Ataíde, D. H. S.; Rocha, P. V.; Alves, B. Jr; Chaer, G. M. Nitrogen mineralisation and N2O emissions in pure and mixed-species plantations of Eucalyptus urograndis and Acacia mangium. Southern Forests, v. 1, p. 1-10, 2022;
Ataíde, D. H. S. et al. Dependência espacial de variáveis dendrométricas em diferentes idades e intensidades amostrais em povoamento de eucalipto. Ciência Florestal, v. 31, p. 1591-1611, 2021;
Ataíde, D. H. S. et al. Métodos geoestatísticos e determinísticos na espacialização da altura dominante de eucalipto. Revista de Ciências Agrárias (Lisboa), v. 43, p. 98-108, 2020;
Silva, L. C.; Ataíde, D. H. S.; Rocha, P. V.; Araújo, E. J. G.; Curto, R. A.; Monte, M. A.; Morais, V. A.; Mendonça, B. A. F.; David, H. C. Equações para estimar a biomassa arbórea no Parque Natural Municipal do Curió de Paracambi, RJ. In: Marcelo Elias Fraga. (Org.). Parque do Curió. 1ed.Seropédica: Missão Asa Editorial, 2020, v. 1, p. 293-308;
Silva, R. L. (Org.); Ataíde, D. H. S. (Org.). Silvicultura. 1. ed. Brasília: NT Editora, 2019. 212p.

Jordi Gimbernau Gimenez

Academic degree: Environmental Engineering Degree at the School of Technology of the State University of Campinas – UNICAMP (2021)

Experience as an environmental consultant for obtaining environmental permits (preliminary, installation, and operation), site surveys to identify improvements from an environmental perspective, and compliance with technical requirements. Involvement in the management and transportation of hazardous waste. Consultant in sustainability and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance), including ESG risk management, definition of material topics, and preparation of sustainability reports. Implementation of an Environmental Management System according to ISO 14001 and preparation of greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories. Involvement in the operation of sewage treatment plants and oversight of disposals in the public sewer network.

Helena Maillet R. Lenzi

Academic degree: Biological sciences degree at Federal University of Alfenas – UNIFAL/MG (2020). MBA in agroecological production at International Federation at Organic Agricultura Movement (IFOAM) (2018).

Experience in environmental sciences, especially socio-environmental projects of ecological restoration, agroforestry systems and environmental education. Since 2014 has been working with agroecology, is a fellow Youth climate Leaders (YCL) and a permaculture designer.

Academic Works: Promotion of well-being and environmental education in the Adolescent Health Program: Report of experiences – Brazilian Congress of Naturology – nov. 2023;
Community Garden Project: the practice of agroecology in the promotion of environmental education and food security – UNIFAL/MG Integrated Symposium – nov. 2018;
Survey of the plant composition of an agroecologically-based urban backyard in the municipality of Alfenas – Biology Journey – UNIFAL/MG – Oct. 2017.

Felippe Satoshi Fukuzaki

Academic degree: Bachelor of Science and Technology (in progress) and Environmental Engineering (in progress), at University of ABC – UFABC.

Experience in documentation and R&D of new products and applications, development and guidance of GIS application trainings, remote sensing applied to environmental reports. Performance in structuring geographic databases, technical consulting projects aiming optimization of geoprocessing analyses, surveying, extraction and treatment of open access data and development of maps targeted for school books.

Valquiria Pereira

Academic degree: Biological Sciences Degree at Centro Universitário São Camilo – CUSC (2015).
Biologist with specialization in Animal Biology by the Professional Improvement Program of the Butantan Institute.

Experience in the field of herpetology, with emphasis on snakes, wild animal management and environmental education.

Academic Works: Freitas, M. A.; Venancio, N. M.; Abegg, A. D.; Azevedo, W. S.; Pereira, V. O.; Zanotti, A. P.; Veloso, A.; Schwarzbach, L.; Sousa, A. G. O. E.; Cruz-Da-Silva, R. C.; Amorim, V. R. G.; Moura, G. J. B. Herpetofauna from the Estação Ecológica Rio Acre, Amazon Rainforest, Brazil. Herpetology Notes, v. 13, p. 33-48, 2020;
Pereira, V. O.; Menezes, F. A.; Azevedo, W. S.; Abegg, A. D. Repertoire of antipredator displays in Siphlophis longicaudatus (Serpentes: Dipsadidae). Herpetology Notes, v. 11, p. 157-160, 2018;
Entiauspe-Neto, O. M.; Azevedo, W. S.; Pereira, V. O.; Abegg, A. D.; Rocha, A. M.; Loebmann, D. New records of the rare Troschels Pampas Snake, Phimophis guianensis (Serpentes: Dipsadidae) in Brazil. Anais da Academia Brasileira De Ciências (Online), v. 90, p. 3023-3029, 2018.

Alessandra Medeiros

Academic degree: Environmental Engineering at Federal University of Itajubá – UNIFEI (2013). Graduated in Civil Engineering at University of Taubaté – UNITAU (2017). Postgraduate in Occupational Safety Engineering at University of Taubaté – UNITAU (2016).

Experience in construction and infrastructure. Expertise in the management, execution, and environmental supervision of construction.

Gabriel Rosa

Academic degree: Law degree at Curitiba Law School (2016). Post graduate degree in Enviromental Law and Sustentability at Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná – PUC/PR (2018). Post Graduate degree in Law and Real Estate Bussines at Fundação Escola Superior do Ministério Público – FMP (2021).

Experience in environmental and real state consulting services, due dilligence and environmental and real estate litigation. Experience in the real estate sector, forest and agribussines coordinating cross-functional teams.

Isabella Ferraz Nishina

Academic degree: Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Engineering (in progress) at State University of Campinas - UNICAMP.

Experience in environmental consulting services. Assistance in preparing a Greenhouse Gas Inventory. Expertise in technical consultancy projects for the application of environmental legislation in preserved areas, in the preparation of environmental studies and technical reports, and environmental licensing. Experience in phytosanitary analysis of tree individuals.

Martha Malheiro Launay

Academic degree: Bachelor’s degree in economics and master’s degree in political economy from PUC/SP.

Has experience in developing Territorial Diagnoses in socioeconomics, covering contexts in Brazil and countries in Africa (Guinea-Conakry and Angola). Also possesses interdisciplinary skills in the areas of health, education, demography, and infrastructure.

Furthermore, has expertise in the development and analysis of studies related to environmental licensing, focusing on the socioeconomic aspect. Works on the development of social projects through participatory methodologies, conducting meetings, interviews, and data systematization.

Daniele Laurinda Caetano

Academic degree: Master’s degree in education from Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG (2023).

With over 16 years of experience in companies and a decade dedicated to the field of education, she works as a specialist in education and Ethnic-Racial Relations. She is the founder of the Consultoria Escola Livre de Educação e ERER, where affirmative action policies are developed for institutions focusing on diversity and racial equity.

She plays an active role in articulating and promoting anti-racist education, using her own methodology. This approach is comprehensive and includes lectures, ongoing training such as Racial Literacy, as well as advisory services and consultancy in private institutions. She integrates her professional experience with academic knowledge, empowering individuals and organizations to build a more plural and inclusive culture.

In the consultancy field, she offers a specialized service in affirmative action policies, aiming to simplify the process of hiring black people for organizations, considering not only entry, but also the retention and advancement of these professionals. Additionally, she focuses on creating safe spaces for listening and speaking, promoting effective dialogue among all involved. This work aims not only to meet the company's needs but also to ensure an environment that respects and promotes diversity.

Furthermore, she contributes to academic education as a teacher in university extension programs, sharing knowledge with students.

Academic Works: Cultura Afro-Brasileira e Indígena: Formação para futuros educadores (2023); Práticas pedagógicas de professoras Waldorf na educação infantil: um olhar sobre a educação para as relações étnico-raciais na perspectiva da Lei 10.639/03 (2024); Harmonizando o currículo Waldorf com a cultura africana e afro-brasileira: Relato de uma formação em prol da descontinuidade da colonização histórica e cultural através de um caminhar acordado (2023); Relato de Experiência Formativa: iniciativas educativas e os reflexos no chão da escola de Educação Infantil (2024).
Thiago Silva Sales

Academic degree: Bachelor's degree in Geography (in progress) from the Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas da Universidade de São Paulo – USP.

Experience in Geoprocessing and Remote Sensing, with expertise in urban planning and climate change. Research in spatial analysis applied to health and environmental impacts.

Letícia Almeida Viana

Academic degree: Bachelor's degree (in progress) in Geography from Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio Mesquita Filho” – UNESP.

Graduated with a degree in Education (“licenciatura”) from Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio Mesquita Filho” – UNESP in 2023, she is currently enrolled in the Geography Bachelor's program at the same institution. Additionally, she is undertaking a specialization course in Geotechnology and GIS Development at Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais – PUC Minas.

Possesses significant experience in academic research, including participation in scientific initiation projects and collaboration in research groups in thematic cartography and agrarian geography.

Academic Works: VIANA, L. A; GIRARDI, Eduardo Paulon ; CARRINHO, I. S. APRIMORAMENTO E ATUALIZAÇÃO DO ATLAS DA QUESTÃO AGRÁRIA BRASILEIRA COM BASE NO CENSO AGROPECUÁRIO 2017. In: Anais do XXXIV Congresso de Iniciação Científica da Unesp: Reflexos da Pandemia no Letramento e na Cultura Científica. 2023. (Apresentação de Trabalho/Congresso); VIANA, L. A; MAPEAMENTO E ANÁLISE DOS DADOS DO CENSO AGROPECUÁRIO 2017 SEGUNDO A COR/RAÇA DOS PRODUTORES. 2023. (Apresentação de Trabalho/Congresso).
Henrique Hugbert de Oliveira Reis

Academic degree: Graduated in Social Sciences from Universidade Federal do Pará (2019).

Experience in developing REDD+ VCS CCB projects (communities). Has worked on social projects, social projects in public tenders, consultation protocol for traditional peoples and free, prior and informed consultation of traditional communities regarding projects. Experience in producing REDD+ projects, collecting social data, developing participatory rural diagnostic and problem and solution trees.

Bianca Pereira Zanluchi

Academic degree: Postgraduate degree in Environmental Control from the Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais – PUC Minas and graduated in Environmental and Sanitary Engineering from Faculdade Metropolitanas Unidas (FMU).

Solid experience in implementing quality management software (myLIMS and Qualiex), data management through Excel and Power BI, dynamic and practical training, development of procedures and work instructions, carrying out cause analysis and process improvements, as well as internal audit in ISO/IEC 17025.

More actively in the environmental area, experiences with MTR and CDF issuance, monitoring of environmental licenses by Onegreen, development and preparation of maps using QGIS, preparation of technical reports, analysis of geospatial data and development of georeferenced points through Excel, Google MyMaps and more recently starting with piloting of unmanned drones, such as DJI.

Lucas Marcone dos Santos

Academic degree: Geography Bachelor degree at Federal University of Sergipe – UFS (2024), Post-graduation in Georeferencing of Rural Properties – Faculdade Descomplica (2024) and Geography Degree at Federal University of Sergipe – UFS (2018).

Experience in the area of Geoprocessing and Software Development and Automation Solutions. Expertise in the area of on-shore oil exploration and environmental resources. Work developed using geoprocessing tools for data collection, mapping, and data analysis. Specialize in developing automation solutions for data collection, processing, and presentation. Focus areas include digital cartography with webmaps, remote sensing with digital image processing, drone mapping, and geospatial data analysis.

Academic Works: Capacity Expansion Study of the Santos Ocean Outfall - World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2018 – junho 2018;
Use and occupation of land and repercussions on the landscape of the upper course of the Pagão River, Umbaúba-Sergipe-Brazil. Guimarães - Portugal: CEGOT-UMinho, 2018;
Mapping of environmental fragility of the Sapucaia River watershed. Campinas: Instituto de Geociências - UNICAMP, 2017;
Mapping of environmental fragility in the Serra De Itabaiana National Park/SE. Campinas: Instituto de Geociências - UNICAMP, 2017.

Larissa Lorrany da Silva Campos

Technical Education: Currently enrolled in high school with training in Administrative Assistance and Information Technology.

Ana Heloísa Oliveira Alves

Academic degree: Law student at Universidade de São Paulo – USP.

Experience in Environmental Law, Third Sector and Climate Advocacy. Has worked in legal consultancy for Civil Society Organizations that work with solid waste and reverse logistics. Experience in preparing reports and technical recommendations on Climate Justice and Gender. Has experience in international negotiations on Climate and Environment. She is a socio-environmental activist for the Engajamundo Organization and a Young Leader at UN Women.

Kayque Lucas Silva Correia Lima

Academic degree: Biological Sciences student at Universidade de São Paulo – USP (2/2025).

Experience in scientific research projects at Instituto Butantan, applying molecular biology techniques to study Schistosoma mansoni, focusing on gene expression analysis and the preparation of scientific reports. Internship in mechanical management at Autoviação Transcap, with a focus on the production of technical reports and the optimization of tire consumption. Participation in scientific research projects at the Institute of Biosciences with the objective of developing species control strategies.

João Vitor Cunha Pereira

Academic degree: Law student at Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP). Participating in a National Exchange Program at Universidade de São Paulo (USP) (2024). Completed a Technical Degree in Environmental Studies at Getúlio Vargas Technical School (ETEC GV) (2018).

Experience in civil litigation, with a focus on contractual and environmental law. Previously worked with public agencies, the Social Legal Center (UNESP Franca), and the Federal Public Defender's Office. Additionally, he is a member of the Law Workshop at USP, where he is developing a paper on the carbon market and is a co-legal author of the Muçurana Project.

Kimberly Gabrielly Silva Teixeira

Academic degree: Bachelor's degree in environmental engineering from Universidade Federal de Itajubá – UNIFEI (2024).

Experience in environmental licensing services, research related to environmental preservation, and management of administrative processes in the field. She has also worked in environmental education, promoting actions and projects to raise awareness about sustainability. With a focus on balancing development and natural resource protection in rural communities and schools, she contributes to sustainable and innovative solutions in the environmental field.

Beatriz Malaquias dos Santos

Academic degree: Studying for a degree in Environmental and Sanitary Engineering at Centro Universitário FMU and Graduated in Environmental Technician at the State Technical School of São Paulo (ETEC).

Experience working with support in project portfolio management and in the definition and monitoring of indicators and portfolio metrics, in addition to having knowledge in project management methodologies.

Regarding environmental issues, ESG, corporate sustainability, he has experience supporting the development of the action plan aligned with the 17 SDGs of the 2030 Agenda, decarbonization strategy and GHG inventory, review of the GRI annual sustainability report, structuring of social and environmental events and projects, and mapping the relationship between the project roadmap and ESG ambitions.

Yone Maximiano da Silva

Academic degree: Geography (2024) at Faculty of Philosophy, Languages, and Human Sciences of the University of São Paulo – USP (2024).

Geography undergraduate from USP with expertise in geoprocessing and GIS tools. Experienced in analyzing physical, biological and socioeconomic environment indicators. Knowledge in producing geospatial data-driven reports and thematic maps to support decision-making in urban planning, environmental protection and innovation.

Academic Works: The Relevance of the Concept of Necropolitics in the Context of the Israel-Palestine Conflict. 2024. Undergraduate Thesis – Faculty of Philosophy, Languages, and Human Sciences, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, 2024.



Daniela Stump Lawyer

Academic Degree: Currently PhD candidate at Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de São Paulo. Master degree from Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de São Paulo. Specialist in Administrative Law from Direito FGV/SP. Law degree from Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de São Paulo.

Environmental attorney with a15-year-experience of preventing and solving conflicts as well as assessing environmental aspects for investments purposes. She was a partner in one of the Brazilian top law firms.

Her practice includes the support to clients and coordination of attorneys teams in diverse industries, including the conduction of hundreds due diligence processes for M&A, assets acquisition and investments structuring; bringing into compliance of rural and urban properties; adequacy of internal practices for environmental compliance purposes; acquisition of emissions reductions; defending clients before administrative and judicial courts; and drafting legal opinions.

Academic Works: LEONHARDT, R. D.; STUMP, D. Súmula 601- STJ: Desafios contemporâneos da atuação do Ministério Público na área ambiental. In: JACCOUD, C.; GIL, L.; MORAIS, R. J. (Eds.). Súmulas do STJ comentadas: Um olhar contemporâneo no Judiciário. 1a edição ed. [s.l.] Editora Thoth, 2019;
Lá vêm os créditos de descarbonização, Jornal O Estado de São Paulo, janeiro, 2018;
Finalmente teremos uma lei geral sobre licenciamento ambiental?, Jornal O Estado de São Paulo Online, setembro, 2017;
Atualizações sobre o novo marco legal da biodiversidade, site de notícias Jota BR, outubro, 2016;
REDD+ on indigenous land: lessons learned from Brazilian legal practitioners, em IBA Environment health and safety law newsletter (Co-autora), setembro, 2015;
Expanding environmental liability in insolvency cases: risks for shareholders, managers and practitioners under Brazilian Law, em Insolvency and Restructuring International newsletter, setembro, 2015;
Banco Mundial promove leilão de crédito de carbono, em Jornal Brasil Econômico (Co-autora), maio, 2015;
Brazilian mining projects and indigenous and traditional communities: the challenge of coexistence, em IBA Latin American Regional Forum Newsletter (Co-autora), dezembro, 2014;
Pagamento por Serviços Ambientais Urbanos: Oportunidades no Setor da Construção Civil, em Revista de Direito Ambiental, Revista dos Tribunais, v. 76, p. 349-364, 2014;
Aspectos Ambientais Concernentes às PPPs, em Parcerias Público-Privadas: Teoria geral e aplicação nos setores de infraestrutura, Coord. André Luiz Freire e outros, Editora Fórum, 2014;
Status of free, prior and informed consent in private sectors and under Brazilian Law, apresentado e premiado no seminário Brazil Energy Frontiers, promovido pelo Instituto Acende Brasil (Co-autora), outubro, 2013;
Relatório Organização do Mercado Brasileiro de Carbono, em Fortalecendo Projetos de Infra-estrutura e o Mercado de Carbono, Banco Mundial, BM&FBOVESPA e FINEP (Co-autora), novembro, 2010;
Conflito de competência legislativa ambiental: a evolução da visão do STF sobre a regulação do amianto crisotila, em Revista de Direito Ambiental, Revista dos Tribunais, v. 58, p. 116-133, 2010;
Relatório Inserção do setor de papel e celulose nos esforços globais para a estabilização do clima, ABTCP e CNI. (Co-autora), maio, 2009;
Mecanismo de Desenvolvimento Limpo e Considerações sobre o Mercado de Carbono, em Revista de Direito Ambiental, vol. 43, jul-set 2006, Revista dos Tribunais. (Co-autora).

Patrícia Nunes Technology

Technical Education: Graduated in Computer Science from the Federal University of Pernambuco. Specialist in Software Engineering from UFPE/Cin.

With over 20 years of experience in the market. She founded E-Simple Consultoria in 2003, and Virtwoo Mobile Solutions in 2016. Always working to provide technological solutions to meet the needs and optimize business processes in the most diverse fields - advising clients and coordinating teams of programmers to implement systems that are tailor made to fulfill each demand.

Karyna Kyriazi Architect

Academic degree: Graduated in Architecture and Urbanism at Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo with a double degree in Civil Engineering at the Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo – USP (2014). Exchange Program in Digital Architecture at Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa – UTL (2012-13). Currently studying Interior Design at EBAC – Escola Britânica de Artes Criativas.

Has experience in Interior, Residential and Corporate Architecture. Has worked in project and management of small size constructions. Custom Furniture and Woodwork Design. BIM process development in many stages of a construction’s life cycle. Knowledge in corporate Facility Management.

Tatianna Galeckas Business Administrator

Academic degree: Graduated in Business Administration at Mackenzie University. MBA in Business Management and Marketing at FGV and extension at the University of Irvine – CA (USA).

With over 15 years of expertise in project management aligned with corporate governance and social responsibility strategies. Specialist in development and management of projects sponsored by government subsidies, in the social, cultural and sustainability areas. Experience focused on measuring impact, scalability and visibility of programs.

Thiago Siqueira Audiovisual Director

Academic degree: Bachelor’s degree in Social Communication (Radialism – Radio and TV) at Universidade Metodista de São Paulo – UMESP (2007).

Began his professional career as a producer in TV stations and independent production companies in São Paulo. Acquired experience in many formats and projects (television, DVD, documentaries, corporative) and today dedicates himself to the direction of independent projects that promote questioning in the viewer.

Awards: Winner of the Festival do Minuto 2018 – Free Category Oct/18 and Best Videos Category 2018 (Missão: Beta);
Bronze Lion (Cannes), Silver (Clio) – Project: ‘Sem Rampa, Calçada é Muro’ (2019) – Video Direction (Agência Z+)”.
Bruno Diniz Guimarães Technology

Academic degree: Graduated in Technology in Information Systems Management, with an MBA in Project Management and Agile Methodologies and Information Technology Management.

More than 12 years of experience as an IT Manager at TIISA, working in the following areas: project management, infrastructure and IT team, involving the administration of the technological park, elaboration of implementation projects, process definition, including system development and integration; implementation and administration of information security policies, cloud and local backup systems, IP telephony, virtualization of servers and storages; management of the MEGA ERP system’s implementation project. Support, integration, maintenance, and administration of the ERP system. Creation of TIISA’s internal datacenter, as well as the implementation of all networks, infrastructure, information security and systems resources; migration and management of system, archives and e-mail for Cloud resources; implementation of compliance for the IT department, risk management, incident and change management.”

Maísa Architect

Academic degree: Bachelor's degree in Architecture and Urbanism at the University of São Paulo – USP (2016) and Master’s degree in Product and Space Design by the Faculty of Design, Technology and Communication of the European University - UE (2022) (in progress).

Works as an architect and designer. Experience in the conception, design and management of rehabilitation projects, in the residential and commercial areas. Experience in image and communication consulting, with the creation of visual identity projects. Her area of study is design for behavioural change, with a focus on sustainability.

Academic Works: Domestic kitchen design as a tool to reduce food waste. Neves Pimenta, M., Gonçalves, E., & Valente Pereira, C. - DISCERN: International Journal of Design for Social Change, Sustainable Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 2(1), 89-100, 2021.
Aline Tiagor Tourismologist

Academic degree: Tourism and Hospitality Management Degree at UNIVALI/SC (2010). 

Experience in research and management of Tourism in Conservation Units in Brazil. Technical specialist in hospitality and travel agencies management, acting as travel designer in National Park destinations in Brazil and consultant for hotel implementation, Business Plan, operational processes and team training. Consultant in the strengthening of traditional communities of the Amazon for the participatory management of social projects and income generation. Development of participatory management and shared decision-making methodologies for the construction of sustainable projects. 

Responsible for the workshops of Reopening for Tourism during the Covid-19 pandemic in the riverside communities of the Tapajós River in Pará/October 2021.
Responsible for the Tourism Business Plan of Yawanawa Indigenous Communities in Acre/July 2022.

Wagner Lacerda Biologist

Academic degree: Graduated in Biological Sciences from Centro Universitário São Camilo (São Camilo University Center) (2008) and has a master’s degree in Natural Resources Conservation and Management by the Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná (State University of Western Paraná) (2013). 

Biologist with 13 years of experience in wildlife-related projects with emphasis on environmental licensing and in academic research. Technical consultant in neotropical mammal inventory and monitoring programs at various Brazilian biomes, wildlife rescue in general, and in drafting work plans and reports. Participated five years – three years as the coordinator - in research projects and conservation of endangered Atlantic Forest primates:  the wooly spider monkey (muriqui-do-sul) and the buffy-tufted-ear marmoset (sagui-da-serra-escuro), in association with NGOs, and environmental agencies at municipal, state and federal levels. Experience in fundraising for the fulfillment of research projects through the following funders: Conservation International & Margot Marsh Biodiversity Foundation; Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Found; and The Rufford Foundation.

Publications: The mysterious white deer: Anomalous coloring in different Neotropical deer. Mammalian Biology – 2021;
Buffy-tufted-ear-marmoset (Callithrix aurita). Primates in Peril: The World’s 25 Most Endangered Primates 2018-2020 – IUCN SSC Primate Specialist Group, International Primatological Society, Global Wildlife Conservation – 2018;
Callithrix aurita: a marmoset species on its way to extinction in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Neotropical Primates – 2018;
Updated on fieldwork for Callithrix aurita. III Callitrichid Conservation Husbandry Workshop – 2017.
Marcelo Morena Biologist

Academic degree: Graduated in Biological Sciences from São Judas Tadeu University (2011) and has a master’s degree: Plant Biodiversity and Environment – ​​ Secretariat of Environment of the State of São Paulo (2015).

Experience in environmental consulting services. Expertise in consulting projects for terrestrial fauna with focus on avifauna for the elaboration of Environmental Impact Studies, Preliminary Environmental Report and diagnoses for environmental licensing purposes. Experience in data processing and statistical analysis for monitoring and surveying fauna.

Igor Catharino de Souza Biologist

Academic degree: Master’s degree in Animal Biology (2009) and Bachelor’s degree in Biological Sciences from the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro – UFRRJ (2007).

He has been working for more than ten years as an environmental consultant, having experience in monitoring and rescuing terrestrial and aquatic fauna in several projects.

Lauralyne Oliveira Biologist

Academic degree: Biological Sciences at Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul - UFMS (2014). Postgraduate degree in Environmental Management, Licensing and Auditing from University North of Paraná - UNOPAR (2020).

Has experience in the technical development of seedling nurseries native to the Mata Atlântica (Atlantic Forest) and Cerrado biomes. Has worked on reforestation projects of permanent areas and with rescue and salvage of ichthyofauna in a hydropower plant.

Natalia Rizzo Friol Biologist

Academic degree: PhD and master’s degree in Zoology from the University of São Paulo (2014 - 2019). Graduated in Biological Sciences from the State University of Londrina (2010).

Experience in environmental consulting services. Expertise in project consultancy involving environmental licensing, with emphasis on fauna studies, especially herpetofauna, in accordance with state and federal regulations. Engaged in creating reports, surveys, diagnoses, and monitoring of fauna for preliminary, installation and operation licenses. Additionally, has worked on the development of preliminary technical reports and environmental impact studies. Acting as a scientific researcher in the production of studies on taxonomy and evolution of Testudines, to enhance the knowledge of the history and biological diversity of chelonian species in South America.

Sara Guimarães S. Tavares Lawyer

Academic Degree: Law Degree at Faculdade Baiana de Direito, Salvador, BA, in 2011. Post-Graduate Degree in Infrastructure Law at FGV Direito SP, in 2016

Expertise in the areas of consulting and litigation in Public Law and Civil Law. Experience working at one of the main law firms in São Paulo and at Legal Departments of leading infrastructure companies in Brazil.