Credits for offsetting emissions

We develop carbon and PES projects to generate carbon credits, offset emissions and reward conservation-oriented landowners.

PSA Carbonflor


PSA Carbon Agro


REDD Carbonflor


REDD Pantanal


REDD Cerrado


Since 2014, we have innovated and strengthened the carbon and environmental markets in Brazil. We are recognized by the Innovation Agency of the University of São Paulo and we reinvest part of our revenue in research and dissemination of environmental knowledge. We are part of the UN Global Compact on corporate social responsibility and sustainability.


PSA Carbonflor

Environmental services more connected to the Brazilian reality

PSA Carbonflor was created to remunerate environmental services, to include various ecosystem services and reduce greenhouse gas emissions through conservation and issuance of C+. The sales of C+ generate revenue for the conservation-oriented landowners and contributes to climate change mitigation.

Made in Brazil

Aligned with the National Policy of Payment for Environmental Services.

Adaptable globally

Connected to the main internationally recognized methodologies.

Carbon plus (C+)

The C+ measures the various environmental services provided by the conservation-oriented landowner and considers the ecosystem services present in the Project Area. C+ contributes to the mitigation of climate change, as through conservation it helps to mitigate the forest carbon stock loss directly associated with ongoing effects of climate change.


A Arara-canindé (Ara ararauna), espécie amplamente distribuída no Brasil que vive principalmente em florestas altas, sofre com a diminuição de suas populações em virtude da perda de habitats.


A Bicho-Preguiça (Bradypus variegatus) é uma espécie folívora, que se alimenta predominantemente de folhas. Vive na copa das árvores e depende de florestas preservadas para sobreviver.


O Gavião-real (Harpia hapyja) é uma das maiores espécies de águias do mundo. Atualmente, é encontrada apenas em florestas preservadas da Amazônia e Mata Atlântica. A espécie é considerada vulnerável à extinção.


O Muriqui-do-Sul (Brachyteles arachnoides), espécie criticamente ameaçada de extinção, é considerado um dos maiores restauradores de floresta, devido ao fato de dispersar sementes de diversas espécies de plantas.


A Jiboia-do-Ribeira (Corallus cropanii), espécie rara e ameaçada de extinção que habita remanescentes de floresta preservada encontrados no Vale do Ribeira.

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Protection of forests and biodiversity

PSA Carbonflor seeks the best remuneration for the environmental services provided, measuring the carbon stock in forests, existing biodiversity, water availability and other services that can be identified.

Environmental benefits

Forest and habitat for biodiversity conservation, water quality and availability, regulation of local microclimate.

Social benefits

Inclusion of communities, recognition and remuneration for conservation-oriented landowners, emission offsetting, fostering ESG initiatives and environmental education.

PSA Carbonflor Methodology v2.1

The version 2.1 of PSA Carbonflor methodology was launched at NYCW (New York Climate Week) on 09/20/2023…focusing on the maintenance of environmental services provided by rural landowners who have areas with native vegetation located in private properties and the resulting generation of ecosystem services using ecosystem indicators.

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First PSA Carbonflor Test in Legado das Águas

The first test of the PSA Carbonflor methodology was carried out at Legado das Águas, in São Paulo. Below is the first Report on Methodology Compliance and Monitoring Report (RMCMR).

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PSA Carbonflor Methodology v1.0

The methodology was created focusing on reducing carbon emissions by maintenance of carbon stocksand maintenance of ecosystem services through avoided deforestation and avoided forest degradation.

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Response to the Public Consultation

ECCON received comments for 9 different stakeholders during the public consultation period. Furthermore, we received two formal support letters to the methodology. Such comments were addressed and contributed to the improvements made in the second version of the methodology.

In response to the comments received from public consultation about the first version of the methodology, some points were addressed, such as (i) ecosystem services versus environmental services, (ii) submission to an international institution, (iii) additionality, (iv) use of the term carbon credit, (v) mining rights, (vi) additional benefits, (vii) historical deforestation rates

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PSA Carbon Agro

PSA Carbon Agro Methodology (Perennial Version 1.0)

Innovative methodology for measuring ecosystem services in conserved areas and productive areas with perennial crops within Brazilian rural properties, including forest carbon.

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To contribute to the public consultation of PSA Carbon Agro (Perennial Version 1.0)

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Carbon credits from the Amazon and Cerrado biomes

The objective of REDD Carbonflor is to reduce the rate of deforestation in the Amazon and Cerrado biomes and promote the conservation of native vegetation in these biomes and, subsequently, take advantage of carbon emissions from the conserved areas.

REDD Carbonflor is an AFOLU project, within the scope of the VCS (“Verified Carbon Standard”) and CCB (“Climate, Community & Biodiversity”) standards, developed from the application of the VM0007 methodology to account for reductions in GHG emissions due to deforestation avoided in two contexts: planned deforestation (APD) and unplanned deforestation (AUDD)

Based on the VERRA certification program

With international relevance for carbon credit certification. VERRA develops and manages several standards to quantify GHG emissions reductions and the social and environmental benefits associated with credits.

We apply VCS (“Verified Carbon Standard”) and CCB (“Climate, Community & Biodiversity”) standards.


A Ariranha (Pteronura brasiliensis), também conhecida como onça-d'água, lontra-gigante e lobo-dorio, é uma espécie característica da bacia do Amazonas e que sofre com a diminuição de suas populações em virtude da perda de habitats.


O Lobo Guará (Chrysocyon brachyurus) é o maior canídeo da América do Sul e uma espécie chave para o Cerrado devido sua função ecológica de dispersor de sementes. Atualmente a espécie consta como quase ameaçada na lista da IUCN.


O Tatu canastra (Priodontes maximus), é o maior e mais raro tatu do mundo, podendo chegar a 1,5m de comprimento e pesar até 60kg. É característico do Cerrado, embora encontrado também em outros biomas. Seu grau de ameaça se deve principalmente a caça e perda de habitat.


A Castanha-do-Brasil (Bertholletia excelsa), normalmente atinge de 30 a 50 metros de altura e de 1 a 2 metros de diâmetro. É umas das espécies mais altas da Amazônia, com frutos que demoram mais de um ano para amadurecer. Sua principal ameaça é o desmatamento que muitas vezes ocorre para dar espaço a estradas, barragens e atividades agropecuárias.


O Tamanduá-bandeira (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) tem ampla distribuição no território brasileiro, presente tanto no Cerrado quanto na Amazônia. É um animal geralmente solitário, as fêmeas costumam ter um filhote ao ano, que é carregado nas costas por cerca de seis meses. Consta como vulnerável na lista da IUCN devido a perda de habitat e mortes por atropelamento.

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Socio-environmental benefits with the implementation of the project

By keeping the forest standing and protected, REDD Carbonflor provides a safe habitat for fauna and flora, with the quality of water resources, the stability of the local microclimate, among others.

The project also guarantees social benefits, such as increased income for families in the region and professional training and other educational activities financed by the sale of credits generated.


Coming Soon


A collaborative project

The Cerrado REDD Program is a project developed jointly by renowned and competent companies in the sector to prevent the planned conversion of surplus native forests and pastures, providing landowners with an economic alternative to commercial agriculture: conservation financing through carbon credits.

Meet our partners


Benefits with project implementation



Seedling production


Social programs


Fire fighting brigades


Biodiversity monitoring


Courses and training


Research project